Passion Up Your Career!

How to craft your career upside – down

World of Work in Transformation

The world of work is undergoing major transformations, triggered by AI and Gen Z. There are mass layoffs in many industries, while the jobs that remain are paid better because they are particularly valuable to companies. Gen Z is pushing strongly towards improving working conditions. These current changes in the labor market are an opportunity for you if you are no longer a commodity, but a sought-after expert.

Your TRUE Identity

Approach your career with you in the center. Your career is not only about your next job. It is about aligning your professional expression with your unique spark that makes yourself YOU and that makes you feeling alive. When we feel alive then everything goes more easy. This is when we live in our true identity.

Your CAREER Personality

FEMCAREER in its core is designed to take you along a proven path to shell out your uniqueness and to position you at the job-market in a way that you attract the best jobs. FEMCAREER makes you the sculptor of your own life, your own personality.

The world-famous sculptor Michelangelo once stated:

"When I see a raw marble in front of me, I envision the ideal sculpture in it. My job then is it, to remove everything around it and lay this ideal sculpture free."

— Michelangelo

If you want your life and your career to be the finest piece of art, FEMCAREER can make you the sculptor of your own life, your own personality.

FEMCAREER–Your Powerful Guide

Me as the creator of FEMCAREER, I have lived through a sculptured career throughout my whole professional and business life. I lived it in every fiber of my being in a variety of contexts. My personal experiences, combined with my knowledge of neuroscience and related sciences, make FEMCAREER a powerful guide for your career journey.

Gabriele Stoll

Career Personality

Your communication message

This is the fundament for your successful career. You are the source for everything that you communicate. Not in words only. Your state of being is your most important communication message.

How to use neuroscience to reach your goals

Thanks to neuroscience we now understand how evolution has formed us. By understanding these mechanisms, we can regulate many aspects of our being that are not favorable for our goals.

Career Personality
Asset Awareness and Communication

Asset Awareness and Communication

No more: being overlooked

One of the most painful experiences women make at workplace is to be overlooked and unrecognized. As a result they have to prove themselves harder.

No more: losing time and money

Plus they are losing time and money along their career journey. We are the first to shed a light on the value we create so that we can communicate it to the right persons in the right context.

Power Positioning and Power Networking

High potential women

How often women feel intimidated by job descriptions, feel they don’t meet the expectations. How many opportunities have been uncaptured by women with high potential.

Position Yourself

And how much money and lifestyle have they lost – because they have not recognized their own value, not positioned themselves with who they are and their competency and thus underutilized the power of professional networking.

Power Networking

Talk to me now!

Your next career step is already waiting for you!

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Dr. Gabriele Stoll

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